Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS or Reception)
Children in early years environments are assessed against 'ages and stages' descriptors and work towards a 'good level of development' or GLD. Children are regularly assessed through structured activities and observation covering all aspects of the curriculum from Speech and Language to Understanding the World and Mathematics. Further information can be obtained at
Key Stages 1 and 2
In 2014 the National Curriculum for England and Wales introduced changes to how primary school children are assessed. These changes, and subsequent testing arrangements, came in to effect in 2016. Each school has the autonomy to design and use their own assessment system but must report at the end of Key Stage Two in the following terms for pupils in Reading, Writing, Grammar and Mathematics [please note Science is currently not formally tested]:
WT = working towards the expected standard
EXS = At the expected standard
GDS = Greater depth within the expected standard
Higher Lane has introduced its own assessment system which breaks down the above statements in to smaller steps. Please see the table below:
How Do We Assess?
All assessment at Higher Lane is what we call 'live', which means children are assessed within lesson time everyday via discussion, observation and their 'final product' produced against shared criteria.
Children undertake formal assessments three times per year (or once each term). We do this to give children the opportunity to experience exam paper technique and test conditions whilst also allowing teachers the chance to take stock of pupils' progress over a duration of time. The vast majority of our testing arrangements are resourced through Pixl at and Rising Stars at
Reporting to Parents
We host multiple Parents' Evenings throughout the academic year and provide a written report for all children at the end of the summer term. In addition to this, all parents and/or carers are actively encouraged to arrange meetings with class teachers at any point during the year to discuss their child's progress.