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Higher Lane Primary School

Happy, Challenged, Successful and Proud



Egerton Road, Whitefield, Manchester M45 7EX

Tel: 0161 766 2005



The main duties and responsibilities of a Governor are to:

  • Know and support the aims of the school, its mission statement and ensure that these are achieved.
  • Determine the overall direction and development of the school through good governance and clear strategic planning.
  • Promote and develop the school in order for it to grow and maintain its relevance in society.
  • Ensure that the school and its representatives function within the legal and regulatory framework of the sector and in line with the school’s governing document.
  • Act in the best interest of the school, beneficiaries and future beneficiaries at all times.
  • Maintain sound financial management of the school’s resources, ensuring expenditure is in line with its objectives, and investment activities meet accepted standard and policies.
  • Assist in the interviewing, appointing and monitoring of the work and activities of the senior staff.
  • Maintain absolute confidentiality about all sensitive/confidential information received in the course of governors’ responsibilities to the school, and to accord with the conflicts of interest policy.
  • Contribute his or her expertise to the discussions of the Governing Body.

The full governing body meets once per term. 

Attendance and Declaration of Business Interests

Please click  here to view our current governors' table of attendance and business register.


Meet our Governors

Mr I Tetlow: Headteacher

Mr J Preston (Chair): Co-Opted Governor: Health and Safety

Miss S Stirling: Co-opted Governor: Safeguarding

Mr J Bradley (Vice-Chair): Co-Opted Governor: Teaching and Learning

Miss J Canavan: Staff Governor

Mrs N Bennett: Elected Parent Governor

Mr T Hussain: Elected Parent Governor 



The Governors/Trustees of Vision Multi-Academy Trust believe it is important that Governing Boards/Trust Boards reflect the diversity of the school communities they serve. Diverse Boards promote inclusive school environments and provide diverse role models for staff and young people.  Vision MAT has a diverse Board and a wide range of perspectives around the table to support robust decision making. At the present time, we do not publish this diversity data online, as individual Governors/Trustees could be identified, and we have a legal obligation to protect their personal data.